C++ / Qt, RaspberryPi

Compile Qt for Raspberry Pi

Compile Qt for RaspberryPi In order to use Qt on Raspberry Pi with all features, you need to compile it manually. There are different ways. In this tutorial, the Cross Compiling method will be used. The tutorials on wiki.qt.io - RaspberryPi2EGLFS and tal.org - Building Qt 5.10 for Raspberry Pi on Debian Stretch serves as the basis.… Weiterlesen Compile Qt for Raspberry Pi

C++ / Qt

Save your Qt Quick app settings easily with LocalStorage

Every application need to store smaller and larger information persistently. This can be done locally on the file system or remote on a server.Qt comes with an LocalStorage API, which provides the ability to access local offline storage in an SQL database from QML and JavaScript. The underlying file is an sqlite database. It can be… Weiterlesen Save your Qt Quick app settings easily with LocalStorage


Better debug output using QT_MESSAGE_PATTERN

If you are using Qt, you might have some qDebug or qWarning statements in your code. But did you know that you can greatly improve the output of those with the QT_MESSAGE_PATTERN environment variable? This blog post will give you some hints and examples of what you can do. The default message pattern just prints… Weiterlesen Better debug output using QT_MESSAGE_PATTERN


Some Lesser Known Qt Tools and Commands

Some Lesser Known Qt Tools and Commands - Part 1 Wednesday, February 25, 2015 Every Qt developer should be familiar with the common tools like qmake, Qt Designer and Assistant, but looking in your Qt installation's bin directory will reveal a few more programs there. In this and future blogs, we'll look at some of the… Weiterlesen Some Lesser Known Qt Tools and Commands

C++ / Qt

Qt Quick Navigation Drawer

I have recently been involved in developing several apps for Android and iOS using Qt Quick. It continues to amaze me how productive you can be when using Qt Quick compared to writing native code for these platforms. That said, there are still a few things that Qt does not provide out-of-the box while targeting these platforms.… Weiterlesen Qt Quick Navigation Drawer

C++ / Qt

GPU drawing using ShaderEffects in QtQuick

A ShaderEffect is a QML item that takes a GLSL shader program allowing applications to render using the GPU directly. Using only property values as input as with the Canvas in our previous article, we will show how a ShaderEffect can be used to generate a different kind visual content, with even better performances. We… Weiterlesen GPU drawing using ShaderEffects in QtQuick

C++ / Qt

Designing assets for app developers

The development of apps is becoming more professional. As a result of this specialists like graphic designers are more often the creators of the look of an app these days. However, it's still very much the realm of the programmer to deconstruct the design - and breath life into it. As a graphic designer, you… Weiterlesen Designing assets for app developers

C++ / Qt

Deploy Qt Quick Applications on Windows with windeployqt

Deploying Qt applications on windows, can be made with windeployqt.exe. It can be found in "C:\Qt\5.4\mingw491_32\bin" Deploy Application 1. Open CMD which is settet with Qt Environment 2. change to directory where your binary is. cd C:\path\to\folder\release example: cd C:\Users\fecub\Documents\Qt.workspace\build-HCWorkFlow-Desktop_Qt_5_4_0_MinGW_32bit-Release 3. Type the following command: windeployqt.exe . --qmldir \project\folder\ "." = currentDirectory "--qmldir" = path… Weiterlesen Deploy Qt Quick Applications on Windows with windeployqt


Spotify Multimedia Tasten Linux KDE Shortcuts / Tastenkombinationen

Der Musikstreamingdienst Spotify ist seit einigen Wochen in Deutschland verfügbar und bietet unter anderem einen Linux-Client an. Trotz seltenen Abstürzen und kleineren Problemen ist dieser durchaus verwendbar. Tasten für “Vor”, “Zurück”, “Play” und “Pause” finden sich mittlerweile auf vielen Tastaturen, doch leider reagiert der Spotify Client nur auf sie, wenn er im Vordergrund aktiv ist.… Weiterlesen Spotify Multimedia Tasten Linux KDE Shortcuts / Tastenkombinationen

C++ / Qt

Compile/Create MySQL driver for Qt5 on Linux/Android/Windows

Create MySQL driver for Qt5 on LinuxI am working on a QT project on Ubuntu and I needed to use the MySql database driver for it. In previous versions of QT, it used to be the default installed library but with QT 2010.2 installation (4.6 and above), it is not the default installation. So, it requires… Weiterlesen Compile/Create MySQL driver for Qt5 on Linux/Android/Windows